About the club…

About the Club...

Non-Profit Organization

1024 Scott Troy Rd, Lebanon, IL 62254

(618) 622-5105


Office is open Saturdays from 9 AM - 1 PM

Director's Meeting (open to all members): 1st Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM

Club Meeting: 2nd Thursday of every month

*** Free dinner at 6:30 PM and meeting at 7:30 PM. Meeting usually last 30-45 minutes.

Mission Pledge: 

I give my pledge to save and faithfully conserve the natural resources and wildlife of my country.


VOLUNTEERS needed to help sell the club’s Christmas trees.

Ideally, we would like three people per three hour shift, but two will work.

The shifts are 9-12 and 12-3

The dates for the Christmas tree sales are:

December 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23

Call Terry Miller at 618-580-7089 to schedule your shift.

This event counts towards your annual volunteer requirement for club membership.

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