Minutes of meeting held on January 11th, 2024 in the O’Fallon Sportsman’s Club
There were 41 members present
Gold Card Members | 164 | New Members | New Members | Deceased Members |
Regular Members | 225 | Kayla Conway | ||
New Members | 4 | Harold Milota | ||
Total Members | 393 | Patrick Laway | ||
Deceased Members | Joe Seper |
No correspondence
Old Business
All remaining hay bales have been sold
AED was purchased and will be installed at the club
New parking lot light needs to be repaired
Depending on the club taking over the beer sales at the City Fest, we may not be having a fall meat shoot.
Saturday, Work Parties
Plenty of work to be done
Club floors need a good scrubbing
No report
Christmas Trees
Sold a total of 28 trees + donations
Lake Report
Bubblers will be weighted to keep them off the bottom of the lake
Report fishing activity on the log every time you fish. It is your responsibility as a member to make this happen. This request is not about someone being nosey, we need to be able to gauge fish population to help ensure the future strength of the lakes for everyone to enjoy.
Hunter Safety
The first session of 2024 will be held March 22 & 23 another session will be planned for August.
New Business
Three new hall rentals so far in 2024
The Arcynski family requested to place a memorial park bench on the clubs ground. This was approved by membership.
The IDNR is selling 25 trees for $30.00 if any member is interested. The club members agreed not to buy any from them.
A $200 donation to the Empty Bowl was approved by the members
The club will host a Super Bowl party on February 11th. The club will provide chicken wings; everyone bring a side/appetizer or dessert. Also, bring your own drinks. The game starts @ 5:30 PM
Super Bowl squares are available for $ 5.00, see Todd N. if intrested.
The Shiloh Eagles is hosting a Mouse Race fund raiser on Saturday, February 3. See Mark T. for information and tickets. $10 in advance or $15 at the door.
2023 Club Meeting Notes

Minutes of meeting held on January 12th, 2023 in the O’Fallon Sportsmen’s Club Hall.
There were 30 members present.
Gold Card Members 165, Regular Members 211, New Members 2 –Janora Jones & Brian Funk, Total Members 211, Deceased Members 1 – Jerold Clasius
National Child Safety Donation – Thank you
O’Fallon Thanksgiving Feast – Thank you
Treasurer’s Report
Balance $21,92169
Yearly Treasures audit – Thursday 2 February 2023
Old Business
Fire suppression systems, looking for new company to perform
Saturday Work Parties – Plenty of work to do, getting more gravel
Bi Laws – Submit any changes to Andi F. or JP chairman
Hunter Safety Dates booked for March 17 – 18
Discussing if we will have a spring meat shoot, if not chili sales
Conceal Carry class 10 members 1/6-1/7. Next class of 20 will be 1/21-22/23

Minutes of meeting held on February 9th, 2023 in the O’Fallon Sportsmen’s Club Hall.
There were 28 members present.
Gold Card Members 167, Regular Members 211, New Members 5, Total Members 383, Deceased Members 0
New Members
Todd Ganger, Ronnie Beard, Mathew Ladowitz, Andrea Fohne, Forest Well
Treasurer’s Report
Balance $19,008.81
Old Business
Annual Audit was completed
Saturday Work Parties – Plenty of work to do
Christmas Trees Might be able to sell live and cut tree this year. More discussions needed.
- Empty Bowl Charity will use our kitchen.
- Donation to for Empty Bowl of $100 – Approved by membership.
- Saturday work – plenty to do, come on out to help.
- Meat shoot will not happen this spring, members approved.
- Boy Scout Troop 46 – needs a place to store a shed and trailer on our location. Want permission to move here. First and second motion approved. Members approved.
- Hall Rental – Greg Gross meeting hall rental approved. August 26th
- Super Bowl Party – open to family and friends welcome.

Minutes of meeting held on March 9th, 2023 in the O’Fallon Sportsmen’s Club Hall.
There were 35 members present.
Gold Card Members | 167 | New Members | Connie Smith | |
Regular Members | 216 | Kevin Rickman | ||
New Members | 2 | |||
Total Members | 385 | Deceased Members | Butch Robb | |
Deceased Members | 1 |
Treasurer’s Report
- No treasury report this month, Roger’s laptop crashed.
Old Business
- Sponsor board is current ~ $2,000 in revenue for the club.
- Still open spaces, please canvass your contacts for very inexpensive advertising.
- Large ticket items should be discussed w/ the membership prior to purchase.
- By Law changes/additions need to be given to JP
- Meat shoot scheduled for 08 October 2023
Saturday Work Parties
- Plenty of work to be done, come out on Saturdays to help
Lake Report
- Water @ 50 f and fish feeders are going back in
Hunter Safety
- April 14th & 15th
- Shiloh Eagles holding Meat Shoot during the month of March, please support
- Membership approved to purchase a new laptop for the Treasurer, not to exceed $800 + tax
- Membership approved to purchase replacement trees for around the lake and drive, not worth treating the existing Pin Oaks as they are too far gone. Replacement trees purchased approved by the membership for ~ $2,000
- Beer keg cooler replacement should be considered
- Two new hall rentals

Minutes of meeting held on April 13th, 2023 in the O’Fallon Sportsmen’s Club Hall. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. President Andy Fairlie presided.
Officers and Directors were all present. There were 42 members present.
Gold Card Members | 167 | New Members | New Members | Deceased Members | |
Regular Members | 152 | James Albert | Robert Hurst | Jerry Lawrence | |
New Members | 8 | Joseph Moerchen | Issac Martin | ||
Total Members | 227 | Jerry Rice | Mark Martin | ||
Deceased Members | 0 | Krislyn Schulte | Patty Mann |
- O’Fallon Women’s Club thank you note for contribution to their charity
Old Business
- Trees = 11 for $2,348.00 + four free trees. All planted now around the club grounds.
- Still locked out of our Face Book account
- Meat shoot in October
Christmas Trees
- Need volunteers, total planted 350 trees. First year to harvest, cut or live trees will be available for Christmas sale this year. Need help to weed and shape trees. Last Saturday in April or early May to begin work
Lake Report
- Two fish feeders up and going, lakes treated w/ chemical to treat weeds
- Nice Bluegills being caught
Hunter Safety
- April 14th & 15th
- Club will be providing lunch
- Anyone wanting to plant a memory tree, they pay for the tree, and we plant
- Boy / Girls scout a lot of activities coming up
- Hay field looks good, need some rain, cut May last year
- Township fishing derby June 3rd
- Fireworks – Donations welcome. 4th is on a Tuesday, but club agreed to have the event on the Saturday before = July 1st
Hall Rental High School graduation event on Memorial Day Weekend, but By Laws prohibit holiday rentals. Andy will notify the requestor that we cannot accommodate the date. They will need to select an alternative

Minutes of meeting held on May 11th, 2023 in the O’Fallon Sportsmen’s Club Hall. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Vice President John Holmes presided.
Officers and Directors were all present except for Paul Hoff, Andy Fairlie, there were 43 members present.
Gold Card Members | 166 | New Members | New Members | Deceased Members | |
Regular Members | 170 | Jonathan McMillen | Evelyn Werner | ||
New Members | 7 | Geoffrey Coleman | Chris Palmisano | ||
Total Members | 343 | Dan Waegner | Derrick Jansen | ||
Deceased Members | Daniel Werner |
Old Business
- Hay fields may be cut on Monday, 15 May 20323
Saturday Work Parties
- Plenty of work to be done – 6 picnic tables need cleaned and painted. Weed eating around the lake is really needed.
- Good to go
Christmas Trees
- No report
Lake Report
- Motor in one feeder needs to be replaced
Hunter Safety
- 25 passed, everything went well
- Next class Aug 18th & 19th
- June 3rd finishing derby 9 – 11 am, need volunteers to help. A lot of fun watching the kids fish.
- Last night to donate for fireworks, Mark T. managing
- Advertising sign $100 for signage, please tell your friends and family
- June 3rd finishing derby 9 – 11 am, need volunteers to help. A lot of fun watching the kids fish.
- By laws changes needed

Minutes of meeting held on June 8th, 2023 in the O’Fallon Sportsmen’s Club Hall. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. President Andy Fairlie presided.
There were 38 members present.
Gold Card Members | 166 | New Members | New Members | Deceased Members | |
Regular Members | 177 | Jennifer Bright | Don Kunz | ||
New Members | 6 | Omar Mims | Roxie Bridger | ||
Total Members | 349 | Lynn Hayes | |||
Deceased Members | Roy Carney |
Old Business
- 4th of July celebration will be held on Saturday 01 July. Family and friends are welcome. The club will provide hamburgers and hot dogs. Please bring a side dish
- The fishing derby went well. There were ~30 kids participating. A total of 114 fish caught, with a 16 ½ inch catfish being the largest. Andrea Fohne will be leading next year’s fishing derby
- The club’s fall meat shoot will be held on Sunday, 08 October. We’ll be needing a lot of help again this year to make this a success
Hunter Safety
- Next class will be held 18 & 19 August
- A recommendation was made to provide a $25 gift card to anyone catching an albino Catfish. The recommendation was voted on and approved by the club during the meeting
- We need a volunteer to take over the club’s digital/social meeting activities. Please check w/ Bill Gaines for the responsibilities of the position.
- Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation provided the club a background of their organization and encourage our members to participate in their July 11th banquet and gun raffle
- Request from the Girl Scouts, troop 181 to use the club hall and grounds one night per month through the summer. Club members approved the request
Minutes of meeting held on September 14th, 2023 in the O’Fallon Sportsmen’s Club Hall. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by President Andy Fairlie presided.
Officers and Directors were all present except John Davis. There were 58 members present . Previous months minutes were read and approved.
Gold Card Members | 166 | New Members | New Members | Deceased Members |
Regular Members | 207 | Alex Stroch | ||
New Members | 3 | William Brown | ||
Total Members | 376 | Joshua Charrette | ||
Deceased Members |
- Received a thank you letter and cookies from the Girl Scout
- Received a thank you letter from the National Child Safety Council for our $75.00 donation
Saturday Work Parties
Plenty of work to be done
Needing to purchase some additional targets. Doug to research and present options.
Christmas Trees
Christmas trees: About 10% of the 420 trees are ready to be harvested for sale. We need volunteers to help w/ trimming the trees, marketing, and selling the trees. Also need a bailer to wrap trees.
Lake Report
Water is still there
Hunter Safety
No report
New Business
- The meat shoot will be held on Sunday, 8th October from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Sign-Up sheets available. New club members are required to work at this event.
- For the Turkey raffle, we will not be distributing the turkeys on the day of the meat shoot, as prices will drop a week or so after the event. We will purchase the turkeys once the price drops and then notify the winners to pick up their bird.
- Hall rentals: 28 October and 23 December
- Club members approved the purchase of a cordless trimmer and hedge trimmer attachment for the trimming around the lakes.
- Club members approved the purchase of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), however the purchase price is not to exceed $1,500. While there is more research to be completed (Andy) once one is selected purchase will be made.
- Looking to set up CPR training for club members, more to come in this
- The clubs roof is failing after 16 years in service. The original roof was previously damaged by hail; however the former members decided not to repair it at that time. The club decided to defer a decision on this topic until additional bids and options are identified.
- Due to the meat shoot, Octobers meeting will be held one week early on Thursday, October 5th and the Directors meeting will be held on Thursday, September 28th, both at their normal times
No volunteers for next months meeting night dinner
Minutes of meeting held on December 14th, 2023, in the O’Fallon Sportsmen’s Club Hall. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM, President Andy Fairlie presided. Officers and Directors were all present. There were 43 members.
Gold Card Members 164
Regular Members 219
New Members 4 Michael Trimble, Ed Abell, Trent Vosher, Wesley Harris
total members 387
Christmas Trees
Sold 23 trees
Need volunteers to keep the trees shaped for next years sale
New Business
Fishing derby will be held the first week of June. We will need some volunteers again.
Boys Scouts Pinewood Derby wil be using the club on January 13th.
We need three volunteers to conduct the annual fiscal audit of the club’s books. Terry and Becky Wilkins and Tim Becherer volunteered. Audit will be conducted during the January 4th Director’s meeting.
The club approved providing Bill, JP, and Trevor Baim $100 gift cards for the extra work they do for the club’s grounds and social media activities.
The club approved providing Tim Becherer and Nick Hohrein free 2024 club memberships for the work performed on the club grounds and alfalfa field.
This year’s Super Bowl party with be Sunday, February 11. Kickoff is at 5:25 pm.
Each office was called for nominations, when only one nomination was made per office after three calls that nomination was elected by acclimation. The following offices were elected by acclimation: President Andy Fairlie, Vice President John Holmes, Secretary Todd Nadler, Treasurer Roger Richter, Membership Terry Wilkins, Trustee John Bodien, second trustee position Tom Baim.
Justin Smith will provide the January meal.