2023 Events
Views from our 2023 Member’s Family July 4th Picnic. Despite rain, everyone had a good time eating, drinking, and socializing. Even wet fuses to the fireworks would not dampen the mood. In fact, the delayed display made the anticipation between shots more fun. (posted 7/1/2023)

June 3rd – Kid’s Fishing Derby
We need our member to come out and help support the Kid’s Fishing Derby. The derby will take place from 9-11, with BBQ served for lunch. Support will be needed to help new youth fishermen (and women) to learn the ins and outs of equipment usage, casting, and maybe some judging. (Updated May 23, 2023)

Independence Day Family Fireworks Picnic (Member’s Only) Saturday, July 1st

Independence Day Member’s Only Family Picnic (posted April 8, 2023)
This family picnic is one of the highlights of the club. Why deal with the crowds, the long walks to and from the car, and the outrageous costs? Not only are you surrounded by beautiful lakes and countryside to fish and play in, we end the evening with an awesome fireworks display that should please everyone.
Food and drinks are provided, with our members supplementing the food with various side dishes in our potluck style meal. Fishing, archery, and other fun activities are available.
Last year, our firework’s display had $1000 worth of excitement in the evening sky. That effort was accomplished by our member’s generosity of donations to the firework’s fund. Consider donating to the fund at the next club meeting. We seek to make this year’s the best display ever. To accomplish this goal, we need our members to give generously.